Let Kids Be Kids: 5 Paradigm Shifts For Letting Children Be Playful

As much as we hate to admit it, some of the things that hold our children back from what the healthy play they need can be due to faults of our own. Whether because of our busy schedules or some misconceptions that we have, we might be limiting possibilities for them. It's a hard one to swallow, but it's better to realize when this is happening and correct it rather than waste time feeling guilty. So let's have a look at some of the common paradigms of modern parents so we can decipher where we might be going wrong.

1. Dangers Are Not "Waiting to Happen"

A very common misconception I see these days is the tendency for parents to think there are all kinds of dangers out there waiting for their children. Child molesters, murderers, and kidnappers are just prowling the streets looking for them, and for that reason we can't let them go anywhere alone or even let them out of the house without our constant vigil.

Look, these things are realities in our world