My Twins Won't Sleep

Lack of sleep is the biggest complaint from Twin Parents and often because of the methods we have to adopt just to get some sleep in the early months bad sleeping habits are formed.

Now that you have reached Toddler stage and the feeding demands have vanished you may feel that you need to try and tackle the sleep issues surrounding your sleepless twins! You could try some of the methods advised by some of the sleep therapists. Most of the advice is based on one child opposed to two children of the exact same age but nevertheless you could give it a go.

Firstly, you need to establish whether there is a problem and secondly if you want to solve it. It may be the case that getting the maximum amount of sleep is the priority in your household and you achieve this by co-sleeping for example. If you are happy with the situation then just accept it for what it is until they are a little older and are likely to naturally grow out of their habits. If however, you are unhappy with the circumstances and it is affecting the rest of your family and/or your marriage then try and do something positive to change it.

One of the biggest problems when dealing with night time behaviour is that you are tired yourself which means you are less likely to rationalise and your patience is likely to wear thin.

The recommended advice is to keep a sleep diary for one or two weeks so you can see clearing what is happening and how it is being dealt with. You may find it