Natural Gender Selection Methods are often implemented by couples who wish to maximise their chances of conceiving a child of a specific gender.
Natural Gender Selection Methods don't come with a money back guarantee, but nevertheless, a great number of couples do end up with a baby of their chosen gender.
Preconception Gender Selection Diet
By modifying the pH level of the woman's body, you are able to improve the chances of getting pregnant with a specific sex baby.
A diet rich in alkaline foods is said to raise the odds of falling pregnant with a boy; an acidic diet is said to enhance the probability of falling pregnant with a daughter.
The woman must be sure that whichever gender selection diet she's on, that it is healthy and nutritionally balanced to ensure that she remains healthy and so does her unborn child.
Being Aware of When Ovulation Takes Place
The Billings Method is a very popular method that's used to establish when a woman is ovulating. The Billings Method (aptly given its name after it's developers, Drs John and Evelyn Billings) was primarily intended as an approach to birth control, but having said that, it's also a very popular method used to help with conception.
Ovulation kits are also available from the majority of pharmacies.
Having Sexual Intercourse When the Mother-to-be is Ovulating
When sex actually takes place in relation to ovulation is claimed to be a factor in influencing whether the baby will be a boy or a female.
A distinct gender selection method that's highly regarded globally is the Shettles Method.
Swapping Sexual Intercourse Positions
Positions that make deep penetration possible are said to improve the likelihood of conceiving a son.
Alternatively, to maximize the probability of conceiving a girl try sexual intercourse positions that cater for shallow penetration.
Dr Jonas Method
This particular method is founded on the discovery by Dr Eugen Jonas that there are specific days on which a female is only going to get pregnant with a boy, and other days when she will only get pregnant with a girl. This is because of the biochemical changes that occur in the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium).
Chinese Birth Gender Chart
This chart (also referred to as a calendar) is often reported as being extremely accurate as a gender selection method.
The basic premise of this method is that the sex of the baby is determined by both the mother's age at conception and the month in which conception occurred.
The advantages of these types of natural gender selection methods are:
They are inexpensive;
There aren't any unpleasant medical procedures needed
They are a risk-free alternative for both the mother-to-be and the baby
These methods can be implemented the privacy of your own home