Parenting Strategy, One of the Worst Ever!

Parenting Strategy, One of the Worst Ever!

 by: Jean Tracy

Some parents rush to serve every squeak and squawk from their kids. "I can't let my child feel pain!" said one dad. Parents, if you are giving way too much, find out why your parenting strategy may be one of the worst strategies ever.

I remember counseling with a teenager and her mom. The young girl sassed and criticized her principal, her teachers, and her family. She yelled if any of them said:

  • "Do your chores."

  • "Do your homework."

  • "You can't "hang out" with your friends."

Her mother revealed how her kid got so sassy:

  • "I've tried to please Suzy (not her real name) ever since she was a baby."

  • "I've given her everything she ever wanted."

  • "Maybe I shouldn't have done so much for her."

Bingo! Her mom hit the nail on the head. It's too bad she didn't realize it when her daughter was much younger. Now she had a tyrant on her hands.

I believe many parents know the right thing to do but can't quite bring themselves to be firm. Part of them believes if they don't ruffle any feathers their children will be wonderful and happy. The other part knows from their kid's selfish behavior that it isn't working.

If you want to raise a self-centered kid who will grow up to be a self-centered adult just:

  • Give your child everything

  • Expect nothing

  • Accept disrespect

  • Let your child tell you what to do

  • Forget you are the parent

Being firm takes backbone. Parents with backbone know that life isn't always easy. They prepare their children for life. They are both kind and firm because they:

  • Think before they speak

  • Say "No" and mean it

  • Act consistent and follow through

If you've been too kind and not firm, you can change. Expect your child to do everything possible to get you to be a doormat again. You'll need to suck in your breath and put up with even more hollering and disrespect. Be consistent and don't get caught up in your child's tantrums. It's the best way to change your worst parenting strategy ever into one that builds character.