Positive Ways to Deal with Tough Parenting Challenges
As a parent, there are many challenges that you must face and some of them may be particularly tough because you just aren't sure how to deal with them. No parent knows how to deal with every situation because every situation is unique to a particular family.
Here are five examples of tough parenting challenges that you may face and positive solutions on how to deal with these challenges.
Staying Calm when one or all of your children are having a meltdown
This is hard for any parent to do, but not letting their meltdown create your meltdown will help get your child calmed down quicker and diffuse the tantrum. Try taking a couple of deep breaths or counting to five. Sometimes walking into a different room for 30 seconds helps you regroup and stay calm.
Bedtime can be an absolute nightmare in some families. Your children may find hundreds of ways to stall the going to bed process. Others may not stay in their beds once hugs and kisses have been given and you may have kids that kick, scream and throw fits about going to bed. This is a hard challenge to deal with because there has to be consistency and you as the parent cannot back down and give in to your child's demands at bedtime. Have a set bedtime for your kids and stick to it. Explain to them what bedtime means (You stay in your bed and go to sleep. No coming out of your room, no needing 10 drinks or going to the bathroom 15 times.) You as the parent need to stay calm, speak in an authorative but not combative voice and tell your children what is expected of them at bedtime and what is unacceptable behavior at bedtime.
Getting your kids to help with chores around the house
Do you feel like you are constantly fighting with your kids to get them to pick up their toys, clean their rooms and just help you out around the house? Making a game out of it can help you get the help that you need to get things done. Get a timer and tell your children that you are going to have a race to see who can get the