Reasons for the Stigma Surrounding Diaper Use With Older Bed-Wetters and Ways to Reduce this Stigma

One of the most difficult things a youngster can go through when they're growing up is bed-wetting. Although as a society we've become more sensitive about many issues, for some reason bed-wetting and the use of diapers to manage it is a topic that remains shrouded in shame. While many cases of bed-wetting can be cured using alarms,medicines,and other methods, there are some instances of bed-wetting persisting into adulthood. In situations such as these, the prudent course of action would be to use protective garments such as diapers. This article discusses both the negative image diapers have with many people, and steps we can take to overcome this stereotype so society can become more accepting of people who have no other option but to use diapers to manage their bed-wetting.

Many people believe that diapers should only be used on babies,people with severe developmental disabilities,or people who are bedridden or senile(such as people with Alzheimer's disease) By default this underscores the image diapers have of representing helplessness and lack of independence. Most of the public feel that if your cognitive and/or physical abilities aren't at the level of a baby or small child you have no business wearing diapers.

There are different levels and types of incontinence and these can occur during the day,night,or both. Some people have light incontinence and some people experience heavier levels. With that in mind different garments are more suited to certain kinds of incontinence.

Whenever I read an ad for an incontinence garment especially those products that are called