Stop The Fighting With Your Children. Positive Child Discipline Can Teach You!

If you are a parent to out of control children, you may want to take a look at positive child discipline as a solution. We'll go over the scenarios that have, in all likelihood, been taking place. And then we will tell you about how you can go about putting an end to these struggles.

To begin with, kudos to you for coming here, and trying to learn how to improve your situation (if that is why you are here). Problems in the family are very trying, and when it is about your children, it can be almost devastating. And if it is about kids who misbehave, the entire situation can just be almost too much to deal with.

Now, first let us look at what the problem may be before we try to find some answers. This is to ensure that we don't keep on making the same blunders over and over.

Has there been positive child discipline going on? Or maybe the opposite; yelling, berating, screaming, lecturing, and other harsh forms of discipline. If this doesn't apply, that's good, but 95% of the time it does.

Whether they misbehaved first, or the parent was harsh in attempts at controlling the situation first, does not matter at all. Children can be very mischievous and raucous at times, so keeping them in control is definitely not easy.

What should be pointed out is that these styles can cause emotional and psychological trauma. However, they can also cause much more damage!

This tough parenting can lead to rises in fear and stress in our kids. The result is that something called cortisol is made and it goes to the brain. The results of this are devastating.

What happens first is the child will become mentally confused. This will most likely, cause them to act out in some way. Then the cycle gets spun again when the parent yells some more. This is all terrible, but there is so much more.

Other negative consequences of the cortisol are high blood pressure, decreased immune system, memory loss and subsequent learning disabilities, and lowered bone density which could result in osteoporosis. And when you factor in probable low self-esteem, teenage delinquency is probably right around the corner.

There are both short term, and long range effects to hard line parenting. So, if you weren't ready to try something new before, hopefully you will now! However, that leaves us with the question, how do we keep our children from acting up?

Enter positive child discipline. This is where you learn about the roots of bad behavior, and then learn a system of positive reinforcement that will, over time, take care of any and all child behavioral issues that might arise.

If you willing to leave behind the old, and start anew, then....