Summer Brings More Stings And Things To Children

Summer time is a common time for children to be stung by bees. Although stings are common, they need to be treated seriously. Find out what to do if your child is stung by a bee, as well as other summer related issues.

You will need to apply ice to the area immediately to help reduce the swelling. If you have or have had in the past, a allergic reaction to bee stings, seek emergency care at once. Do not attempt to remove the stinger by pinching or squeezing, as this will make you more likely to get an infection. Instead, scrap the area with a flat surface such as a credit card to raise the stinger. Once the stinger has been raised, remove it with a pair of tweezers. Apply an antibiotic cream to reduce the risk of an infection. You may also need to apply an anti-itch cream if you feel the urge to scratch.

Another common occurrence is heat related illness and exposure to the sun. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water when in the heat and exposed to the sun for an extended period of time. Prevent yourself from becoming sunburned by applying sunblock on a regular basis. If applied every hour, you will decrease your chances of becoming sunburned.

The summer season also has many of us involved in all kinds of activities. That is why scrapes, sprains, strains and broken bones become more common. You will not be able stop all of these things, but an ounce of prevention will go a long way. An example could be wearing a helmet when riding a bike.

In conclusion, accidents will always happen. This is even more true when children are involved. Some preventive measures and a little common sense will go a long way to help in protecting your child. Whenever in doubt about an injury, always seek professional medical attention.