The Argument Over Preschooling: Which Side Are You On?

When your child is not ready for kindergarten, and you are considering their education, the subject of preschooling comes up many conversations. Some are adamant that children should attend preschool for many reasons. Others are content with waiting to put a child in school until they are ready for regular kindergarten.

The subject can raise a lot of opinions from opposing sides. A lot of people feel that if your child is not in preschool then you are a bad parent and denying them the opportunity to be a high achiever. They question parenting skills all of a sudden and doubt that a child will be ready for their primary education.

The other side of the fence will tell you that you do not have to be rushed to get your child into school. Relax and let your child be young for as long as possible. They can learn at home and enjoy you and your life as long as possible before the school years arrive.

Both points of view are just that, opinions. You have the final word and neither is wrong for your child. But there are sometimes extenuating circumstances; such as the work of the parents. Perhaps your child is in day care during the day. In this case being in a preschool may be more challenging and fun for them. Or perhaps you have an only child and they do not see a lot of people besides yourself.

The positives about preschooling are that is gives the socialization that your child may not have in other circumstances. It can also be a fun place to learn certain behavioral issues that some peer pressure can help. Children learn from each other and in a positive environment this is a good thing.

However, some children may interact with other children in other environments such as a church program or they may have several friends. In this case they are already learning behaviors and will be fine when it comes to behavior and expectations in a school setting. Many of these children also do educational things at home and are just as educated from home base.

That is why the debate of preschool will live on as long as parents and others have different opinions. You will find many who will still fight for every child to go while the other set stares at them in disbelief. Ultimately it is your decision as a parent what you would like to do for your own particular situation when the issue of preschool comes up.