The Power Of The Little Mirror In The Room

Do you ever pay attention to the little mirror in the room? You know... That little copy of yourself that mimics every move, every attitude, every emotion you display and every word you say? Your child does that in harmony with yourself, and that's wonderful and should make you very happy.

But be careful because there is not cutting off or slacking on what it copies from you, it's a copying machine that never knows when to stop, and if you don't pay attention, the end result can be disastrous. The outcome can be something you will regret, and you won't have anybody to blame but your lack of responsibility and the fact that generally we don't pay attention to this reality. Our children learn mostly by copying from us.

Hopefully they reflect our better side, and they do that for the most part, but they also are very adept at copying our negative actions, especially bad words and emotions, therefore one reason for bad behavior. If you get upset at any misfortune no matter how small, and react in an avalanche of fury and bad words how do you expect them to do something else?

Remember they are your emotional mirror and if you want to know how you are doing, just observe them and the way they perform on different situations that will answer not only what you want to know about yourself but also how you are doing as a parent.

If what you see is agreeable and makes you feel happy, you are doing a good job, but if you do not like what you observe, then you need to change your ways and learn a better way of conduct.

Child discipline and child behavior are nothing else but a reflection of you, as a person and as a parent, you must change first and then your kids will follow automatically, always remind yourself that your kids are your reflection, and make of it the most beautiful picture in your home.

Later on in life our children form their own families and the little mirror now no-so-little any more, continues reflecting your actions even if they don't know it, just as if you reflect your parents attitudes.

How you interact with your spouse will be repeated, and if they learned to be caring and loving or sour and belligerent the mirror continues to reflect those characteristics, if you don't like the image in the mirror it won't disappear unless somebody decides to erase it, hopefully that person is you, for your kid's sake.

Challenge yourself to be the best model for the little mirror that you created, make it so that, when you see your reflection you feel an immense pride for a job well done and the satisfaction of knowing that the legacy you leave behind is remarkable and satisfying.

Learn to act in front of the little mirror in a way that the final achievement is wonderful and fills your life with satisfaction, like the great actors must feel after a wonderful performance, only this will be better, because is real life, your Family Life.

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