The Rejection is a Masked Deprivation

The Rejection is a Masked Deprivation

 by: Nilesh Gore

Parents rejection of the child, though unintentional, is also shown in various ways, like physical neglect, denial of love and affection, lack of interest in the child’s activities, interests and achievement, harsh or inconsistent punishment, failure to spend time with the child, or any kind of a activity of apparent which keeps child away.

Parent’s rejection can be partial or complete, passive or active and subtly or overtly heartless. To keep the child in a creche (pre-school, etc.) is also a form of rejection.

Rejection manifests in the child in the form of excessive fear, shyness, aggressiveness, thumb sucking, bed-wetting, depression, temper tantrums, lying, stealing, slow, conscience development, low self-esteem, feeling of insecurity, loneness, jealousy, anxiety and inability to give & receive love.

All this happiness in the subconscious level of mind i.e. automatically & child can not help, resist or prevent their manifeastation in his behavior or personality. Parental rejection is a major reason why adolescents decide to run away form home.

Not let’s come to know to the source i.e. causes of rejection as follows.

Causes of REJECTION:

It would appear that a large number of parents, who neglects their children have themselves been the victims of parental rejection (coz, parents sow, so do children reap & we are what we repeatedly do). And even the children, who face the parental rejection don’t accept their parents when the latter grow old. The root thing I want to tell that it is not a one way behavior. That is why the lack of love has been referred as a communicable disease.

A child may be neglected without being rejected. In other words, when parents are very much busy with their work, they neglect their own children.

Maternal deprivation causes faulty development.

When infants are deprived of maternal stimulation as a consequences of separation from the mother e.g. working women or due to lack of adequate mothering in the home. Faculty development has been observed obliviously.

When the mother devotes little attention to the child and In the process of neglect or reject him, the effects of such masked deprivation may be more devastation than any one can imagine.

Rejection or punishing mothers may cause tense, unsatisfied & negative behavior among their infants even at very early age. In case of early &prolonged deprivation, the damage to the infant may be irreversible or only partially reversible. Those mother who takes the part in the kitty parties and the inflict separation on their child infants, and those who keep the child in a creche must be careful.

Remember: A Loving emotionally responsive parent will invoke positive, cooperative, loving responses form the child.

Thanks for your time consideration

Nilesh Gore