The Road to Stress-Free Parenting

When Hilary Clinton was the First Lady she publicly stated that to raise children properly "It takes a village." The reaction of millions of parents was to breathe a huge sigh of relief, as if to say "Yes, I need help and thank goodness someone understands that!"

There is no doubt people are thrilled to become parents and that they absolutely love their children. However, society has conditioned parents to couple that happiness with fear and anxiety, stress and worry.

Parents have been misled since the beginning of time into thinking parenting is the most difficult job in the world. Parents fall victim to a mindset that says they are solely responsible for this new life in every sense of the word. And if that were true, raising a child most definitely would be a daunting undertaking.

But thank goodness we have progressed enough to know that is not the truth. Many have come to realize that we are not 100% responsible for our children.

Now, I am sure that may seem ridiculous to some. The thought of a parent having an attitude that they are not responsible for their children probably sounds like the most irresponsible thing a person can believe.

The truth is that we have come full circle in our culture in large part due to the recent awareness that has been brought to the forefront concerning the universal law of attraction. Based on the principles of the law of attraction, parents not only have a village to look to for support and guidance, they have the whole darn Universe! And here's the best part, all you have to do to receive the help of the Universe is to ask for it and allow it.

Unfortunately, this is where many parents are missing out. While millions of people are thrilled beyond measure to study the law of attraction, put the principles into action in their lives to attract and manifest things and situations, they are hesitant in accepting the fact that those same principles when applied to relationships (including those with your children) will have just as much of an impact as when you focus on achieving a better job or receiving more money.

I hear everyday from parents of children of all ages and the majority shares the same mindset about parenting. In fact, usually one of the first comments they make is, "Parenting is the hardest job in the world!" And so what do you think their experience as a parent is like? For them, it IS the hardest job in the world!

They have no problem accepting and practicing the principle that states what you think and focus on will expand and become your reality when they desire a new car or a nicer home but when it comes to raising their children they believe it is all up to them. The truth is that the law of attraction is in effect all the time in all areas of our life.

Changing your mindset to one that sees parenting as a blessing to be honored and shared and full of joy will bring a joyful, blessed experience. The hesitancy of many parents to let go of over-parenting their children is what gets in the way of having a positive experience.

It all starts with you, the parent. And it begins in your mind with your thoughts. The Universe is working for you and with you. All you need to do is allow and trust.