The world of toys is today a technological landscape dominated by flashing gizmos, Nintendo Wii consoles and Zhu Zhu hamsters. As such it is always a pleasure to take time out to reflect upon the "good old days" and remember to pay respect to some of the great and traditional old-school toys of days gone by. Any measure of greatness of the short list of the top 5 traditional toys of all time has to involve a toy's ability to put a smile indicative of cherished childhood memories on the face of the most mature adult man or woman. Let us now examine a list of the top 5 traditional toys and games of all time.
1. The Viewmaster. This toy has been pleasing children since the early 1930's. It is an optic device for viewing 3-D images attached to a paper disk similar in technology to an old-fashioned "stereoscope" a mechanism that was has been around since the 1800's.
2. The Frisbee. Made by the Wham-o corporation, this plastic flying disk generated lift through rotation when thrown. Millions of copies have been sold since the World War II era, and it is just as popular today. You cannot go to any beach or company picnic these days without seeing a group of people throwing around a frisbee.
3. Etch A Sketch. A quirky mechanical drawing toy manufactured by the Ohio Art Company captured the imagination of the entire baby boom generation, and today resides in the hall of fame (or should anyway), and remains one of the best-known of the all-time classic toys and games. Just turn the knobs and you are an instant artist.
4. The Wheely bug. Ever so cute and adorable, the wheely bug is a toddler's ride-on toy similar to a cart or wagon, but with independent casters for wheels instead of tyres attached to fixed axels which only permit forward and backward motion. The motion of wheelybugs in use can best be compared to an office swivel chair which can go side-to-side or pretty much any direction at all in reality. Adults are charmed by the amusing wiggly motion of the wheelybugs as infants try to navigate them. The wheelybug is a simple and well constructed little vehicle designed for children ages 18 months up to 4 years. It is a great alternative to the more commonplace ride-on toys and has earned its' spot on this list.
5. The Mouse Trap Board Game. Oh, what joy this game has brought to the generations of kids who have played it throughout the decades. There can be little doubt that the rickety contraption the mouse trap turns out to be was inspired by the illustrated masterworks of the great Rube Goldberg and his comically over-engineered machines. To a young game player there can be no feeling more exhilarating than turning that crank while one of his or her opponents lies beneath the dangling mouse trap. it takes your breath away.