Violent Video Games Result in Increased Aggression in Teens
It may take extremely long sentences, complex ideas and technical ideas and maybe even a book to explain this issue. It may take impeccably conducted and well thought-out research studies. And this has been talked because of teenagers who have recently been involved in many school shootings were also video game players. Adolescents who are less agreeable or less conscientious and who play violent video games are prone to be more hostile. An excessive or compulsive use of video games will also result in the interference with their daily life.
Parents often have varied opinion about their children playing war and other aggressive video games. Some of them believe that it foster violent or hostile behavior and the rest believe that playing such games is natural and it only helps them to deal issues they may face in their life more practically. However, there is another group who says that these types of games provide their children to vent their intense feelings that might have otherwise result in violent acts or fights.
It has been only a couple of decades since researchers have started studying the effects of violent video games on teens and many studies have found that violent video games did result in violent and hostile teens. However, a very recent study shows that playing violent video games will benefit some players by honing their visual or spatial skills thus improving social networking ability.
It is parents who need to pay close attention on their children and watch their children for any signs that show that video games are substituting for other healthy activities such as sports and schoolwork. Parents should also need to monitor where their children play, when do they play, with whom do they play and how long do they play. It is always advisable for parents themselves play the video games initially ad then decide how violent the games are. This would also nurture parent