When Your Child is Reluctant to Read Books

Many children are reluctant to read books. There can be many reasons for this to occur. I will shed some light on this topic and give you some options.

Does your child like to read books? The answer more often than not is no. Most children do not like to read and this can be frustrating for their parents.

Often times, the reason they are not interested in reading is because it is just boring. For the most part, kids do not like to sit still for an extended period of time. When this happens many parents are at a loss for what to do. It can be a great challenge to get a child to read when they just want to be active all day.

You want to make reading fun for your child. Let them pick out their own book to read. I would suggest taking a trip to your local library. That way you can have your child pick out a book and you do not have to spend a dime.

Once they become more interested in reading, you may want to consider a trip to the book store or browse the internet together for an online book store. Keep in mind that you want to make it fun for them or else your efforts will go for not.

Another reason that could cause a child to not like reading is that they are not very good readers. This may cause some embarrassment for them at school. Which will instantly transition to their dislike of reading.

If this is the case, you will want to start out with short and easy books to build up their confidence. You can still let them pick out a book on their own, but will have to monitor their selections more closely. Eliminate books chosen by them that may be too difficult for them to read in an easy flow.

Start out slow and then steadily increase the difficulty of the books. After time you will begin to see a change in their reading interest. The interest will be minimal at first, but once they build up their confidence level it will be off to the races.