Why Do Babies Cry?

Your baby is the most beautiful baby in the world. You cannot even remember your life before the baby. You want to give everything you can and make the baby happy. Then why is the baby crying? Here are some common reasons.

First of all, check if the baby is hungry. You have fed that baby not long ago, but babies need food every two to three hours at the early stages of life so offer food and see if the baby is hungry. You can also check for signs that show that the baby is hungry like drooling and taking the position you use when you feed it. Make notes of how often you feed the baby so that you have a pattern for the days to come.

One common reason babies cry is that they want to sleep. It sounds simple, but it is not. Adults believe that if babies need sleep, they just sleep. However, babies get too excited when they are awake. All those new things they see, the lights, the new sounds and faces make them very tired and sometimes they get upset and cry. Relax the baby in a calm environment. Switch off the television and don't keep bright lights on. Babies get tired within an hour that they are awake and need to eat and sleep all the time. Many babies have trouble sleeping any given time and want to feel relaxed and secure. Provide this environment because sleep is vital for them.

Another thing you should know is that babies need to be held. It is actually a vital need for the baby to feel your arms and listen to your voice. This makes the baby feel safe and secure and promotes development. So if you have done everything you could think of and your baby is still crying, you should hold the baby in your arms. The need to feel the parent's presence and to be held, comes very often and makes the baby feel safe. If you get into the habit of holding your baby in your arms for some hours every day, the baby will be calmer, will face less colic and will have emotional stability sooner than other babies. So, take your time and allow the baby to adjust to the new environment.

Crying can also be the baby's way to say that there is something annoying. It could be the fact that you have the television on or that you have too many lights. It could also be the fact that the baby got upset from moving from one hug to another and too many people are here to visit you. Keep the baby in a calm environment and allow time to adjust to the new things, lights, colors and people.

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