Your Mompreneur Check-Up

As moms, we understand the need for regular medical and dental check-ups to make sure our family is in tip-top shape. What about mompreneur health? Have you scheduled a check-up lately? Here are three must-ask questions to consider as your review your family and business health:

1. Are you a business-first family or a family-first business? This is always the first question I ask any client. A business-first family is one that priorities business activities before family. For example, a new start-up entrepreneur may have the responsibility of putting in extended hours at the office to get the business up and running. Or, a solopreneur parent may have a deadline that requires that immediate attention. A family-first business is one that can take a few steps away from business to enjoy family pursuits. This is the entrepreneur who can leave the office at 4:00 to coach his son