Arowana Care: Watch Out for These Elements in Your Arowana Tank Water and Keep It Healthy

Tank water is the primary source of illnesses among Arowanas kept in the home. These diseases are caused by harmful elements present in the water. Unfortunately, these substances usually go virtually undetected. This is because the clarity of the water when inspected in plain view can be misleading. Also, your fish may not readily react in an obvious way to adverse elements in its habitat. For this reason, you should regularly test the water for these harmful elements. Below are the most common substances that endanger the health of fish.

Ammonia is the most common. This substance is very toxic to Arowanas, in fact, any amount of such present in the tank is unacceptable. This substance comes from fish waste, extra fish feeds, and other organic matter that decays in the tank. Which ammonia levels measure high, this could mean that the Arowana is overfed, the tank is overcrowded, or the tank needs cleaning.

This substance is converted naturally into nitrite in the Arowana tank. This very unfortunate because Nitrite is also very lethal to the Arowanas. The occurrence of this substance is usually caused by lack of cleaning because the ammonia has set in and had time to change into nitrite without the tank having been cleaned. Nitrate which is next in the nitrogen cycle is more tolerable for Arowanas. However, sudden rises in nitrate levels can still cause substantial damage to the health of the fish in the form of nitrite shocks. This happens when there is low oxygen level in the tank.

Acidic or basic condition of your fish tank can also cause stress to the fish. The pH balance should be kept within the prescribed range as much as possible. Lastly, temperature levels also tend to fluctuate and cause further stress to the Arowana so they should be kept in check as well.