Bearded Dragon Facts

The bearded dragon originates from Australia's desert area, but are found world wide all over. They have become well known and liked by young and old, due to their quiet behavior.

They can grow up to 15 inches in length, this does not include their tails, which makes them one of the smaller reptiles out there today. Unlike other lizards, such as the geckos, anoles, and others, the bearded dragon does not drop it's tail and it grow back. Once the beardie loses his/her tail, it will not grow back.

Bearded dragons main food consists of vegetables and fruits with an occasion cricket or mealworm. Another difference between the beardie and other lizards, is most lizards are nocturnal, which means they are more active at night, but the beardie is not nocturnal and enjoys being up and active during the day and sleeps at night. This makes raising one more fun since they have the same schedule as us humans.

Their home is also easy to keep up, but can be expensive to get it started and set up properly. They require special lighting known as UVB light, this helps them to digest their food and product the vitamin D3 they need. They also need a way to keep warm, as these lizard come from the desert area they are use to hot days and cool nights. So they will need a special heating lamp to help them regulate their own body temperature.

They will also need heat from the bottom of their tanks as well to help keep the tank at the right temperature. Do not ever put any kind of heating element inside their tanks. Beardies are very curious and love to lay on rocks and other perches, yet they do not know when they have laid too long and end up burning themselves. So never put any kind heating element inside their tanks.

It is also good to have a water dish for them, but most beardies do not use it as that. They are more use to licking leaves and other objects that drip water. This is closer to their own environment settings when out in the desert. You can simply get a special spray bottle and mist them a few times every day. I would recommend that you also mist their perches and the back glass, this way they can lick up the water as if in the desert.

You also do need to provide them with room to run around. These guys are use to running over the desert sand all day to find food. They are not avid climbers, so having just one perch is enough that they can climb up on to get closer to the heating light. They also need what is called a hide box, this way they can escape the heat. Beardies will maintain their own body heat by switching back and forth from the cooler end to the warmer end of their tanks.

Knowing the importance of how bearded dragons live in their natural environment will help you set up their tank in the same manner and it is not difficult to copy the same conditions. Know your beardie, spend time with him/her, learn his/her behavior patterns and you will be able to know when or if your beardie is sick or needs something more.