Did Your Dog Just Have An Accident? Dog Potty Training Tips Made Easy

You should know that every dog is different before I start to talk about training which is a general guide to dog potty training.

You should be in a position to determine what motivates your dog the best, before the training is started.

While training your dog never uses violence rather find your tool to praise, food or toys.

Following are the tips for potty training puppies.

1. Having a designated place and making it a fun place by giving him food there itself or playing with him. You can buy pet pads which are absorbent dippers or pet pads which are like pads of grass and introduce your dog to this pad.

Picking and carrying the dog to the puppy pad the moment the doggie starts to go to the bathroom

Though giving him reward if he successfully pees is advised avoid this step altogether, rather make him time its eating and peeing habits so that when it needs to pee can be predicted. Just carry him over to the pad before he instigates it.

The frequency of taking 6 to 8 week old puppy to the pad is every one to three hours

Once you begin to know his schedule be consistent to bring him over to the pad at a designated time and making sure to reward him every time he does it right.

By creating a potty command by using a single to double syllable word so that he can comprehend it, using a hand gesture, you can avoid long waits.

After some time you will see your puppy begin to sniff and prepare to pee after you gave the command which are some examples of potty and bathroom.

To make him train to go outside to pee putting the pad outside once he gets used to peeing on it is advised and the same can be removed when you feel he can handle the change.

Always bear in mind that some dogs are smarter than others when it comes to training.

Since potty training puppies is easier it is always better to start young with your training.

If your dog is one of these 'hard to train 'nature then you may need to use a crate.

Make it a point for your dog be in the cage to leave him in it after dinner till he does his business and have fun house training your dog. Good luck.