Different Kinds of Cocker Spaniel Skin Problems and What You Can Do to Help Your Cocker

The two skin issues that seem to cause the most problems for our four-legged-friends are seborrhea and dermatitis.

Seborrhea is caused by an over-production of skin cells. This include fat cells which would ordinarily give your cocker spaniel a beautiful shiny coat, but when they are in excess, the coat then becomes greasy - there will be scaling off of excess skin (flaking) as well as a foul smell coming from the coat (I met a cocker that had that problem and you could clearly smell it on her fur). It will usually occur around the back, the ears and the trunk area (the area between the back, the neck and the shoulders), and it tends to cause quite a bit of itching for our cocker family members.

Vitamin A compounds are used to treat this condition (they usually come in the form of a cream), as well as antifungal creams, as this condition can sometimes be fungal. If you want to keep your cocker from getting Seborrhea, shampoo it regularly with an antifungal shampoo.

Dermatitis is also common - it