Dog Joint Pain Symptoms and Treatments

As your dog starts to age, it is important to start paying out more attention to their health wishes. As with humans, as dogs age their bodies begin to wear down, and they can develop issues with their joints, vision, hearing, and so on. With correct care many of those issues can be simply treated, keeping your dog cheerful and comfy through his or her "golden years".

As dogs age, one highly frequent problem is joint discomfort. This is particularly true for bigger breed of dogs, and can affect them in their elbows, knees, hips, and other larger joints. In several cases, this is just because of the aging process and developing arthritic symptoms, though dog joint pain can also come from joint injury. When your dog has joint pain, the best plan of action is to treat the discomfort with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine.

Aspirin may be employed if you are careful, although it is a better idea to use medicine especially for animals. This is safer for your dog because these medicines are especially designed for the requirements of animals, and the doses don't need to be guessed. There are one or two different sources you can go to for getting medicine for dog joint pain.

If you think your dog is suffering from some sort of joint pain or other problem, it is important to see your veterinarian to discuss the symptoms for a proper diagnosis. If it is determined that dog joint pain is present, your veterinarian will likely prescribe your dog medication to alleviate the discomfort. From there it is up to you how you continue to get the medication for your dog.

The most obvious option is your veterinarian's office, where you can continue to purchase your prescription assuming they carry the prescribed drug. After the primary trip to the veterinarian's office, you can select to purchase your dog's medicine either through your vet's office, or through another source. As an example, you can get dog join pain medicine through online animal drugstores as long as you can provide them with your prescription for the medication.

You may either begin doing this straight away, or purchase your dog's first prescription from your vet, and then see how your dog responds to it before continuing with that medication. Once you have found a good medicine, you can begin purchasing it from other sources according to your needs.

Dog joint pain due to growing older is simply treatable, and will be done so as to make your older dog comfy. So if your older dog looks to be affected by joint discomfort, talk with your vet, and find the anti-inflammatory medicine that's appropriate to make your dog comfortable and cheerful.

Copyright (c) 2010 Dean Severidt