Essential Steps For Caring For Your Bearded Dragon

The bearded dragon has become a very popular lizard today due its calm disposition and unique behavior. Caring for a bearded dragon is not difficult once you understand the steps needed.

These lizards are native to the desert areas of Australia, so they like warmth and direct light. You need to set up their homes as close as possible to their natural environment. This can be done with external lighting and heating.

Here are some basics steps you need to do for proper caring of your bearded dragon:

1.They should be provided with a preferred glass aquarium that is long, they enjoy running around.

2.Even though these guys live in sandy areas, like the desert, it is Not recommended that you use sand for the flooring. It is much better to use reptile carpet, if you must use something like sand, do not feed the beardie inside the aquarium.

3.You will need to provide them with 2 types of lights. One for warmth and the other one for UVB exposure. This UVB will help them maintain a healthy body.

4.They will also need a way to warm themselves. This done best by providing an under the tank heating pad. Do not put heating elements inside their tanks. They can get burned, which may cause infections.

5.Their tanks need to be kept at regulated temperatures. One end of the tank will be the cool side and the other end is the warm side. Beardies need this to regulate their own body temperature

6.Your tank also needs to have a screen cover on the top. Not to keep your beardie in, as they do not climb, but to keep other insects and pests out. It also helps for air flow.

7.They need to be provided a water dish with fresh water daily. Some beardies will use their water dish as a bathroom. So make sure it is always clean and available to them. They also enjoy laying in it again to help them regulate their body temperature. So you will need a big enough dish for your beardie to get inside.

8.They enjoy hiding at times, so make sure to provide them with somewhere they can hide behind.

9.Beardies also enjoy climbing, so you will also need to have ways for them to climb. They like to get as close to their heat source as possible. So a good sturdy perch that goes from the floor upward is good. Just make sure that when the beardie is on the top,they are kept at least 3 to 4 inches away from the main heat source.

10.Most important is to make sure you place your beardies' tank in an area that gets some human traffic. Beardies are very sociable lizards and love human contact and interaction. Just be careful it is not somewhere where it could be bumped and fall over.

Following these simple steps can help you have a happy and healthy bearded dragon for years to come. Knowing and understanding their natural environment will make all the difference for both you and your beardie.

Caring for your bearded dragon doesn't have to be expensive and hard. Do your research and look around for sales and opportunities to get things at discount prices. If you are so inclined you can even learn how to build your own bearded dragon aquarium at much less than what you would pay for a new one.

I hope this has helped you understand more of what caring for bearded dragon consist of and you can now safely set up your beardies new home.