Freshwater Aquarium Setup In 10 Steps

Establishing a freshwater aquarium for the very first time can be quite off-putting. There are many things to consider before you get started. The following freshwater aquarium information provides ten important steps you need to consider:

1. Consider where you want to put your aquarium. Where an aquarium is going will affect the size of the aquarium you choose. A bookshelf will hold a fishbowl for a single Betta, while a corner in a room will hold a larger tank for entire schools of fish. Do not forget about lighting - fish need light too, and putting them near a window or lamp means you will not have to buy a light especially for your aquarium.

2. Decide on an Aquarium Size. Determining freshwater aquarium size is done by thinking of the fish you want in the tank. If you are a beginner, starting with twenty gallons or under is a safe idea. As always, do research on the fish you want to determine how much space they need before purchasing a tank.

3. Go Shopping! After all that careful time and thought, now you can finally buy your tank and equipment. Purchase a tank, filter, heater, a light if you need one, gravel, plants, and decorations - meaning all the shipwrecks, scuba divers, and logs your fish could want!

4. Set Up! Go ahead and set up your aquarium at the desired location - rinse everything only with water. Read: no soap, no detergents. It is difficult to remove the residue left over from soaps and it is poisonous for your fish.

5. Wash Everything Else. Wash your gravel, plants, and decorations also with water only. An easy way to do this is to place things in a colander and run water over it in your bathtub or sink. After cleaning, place gravel in the aquarium first, and then add the plants and decorations.

6. Add Water. To avoid disturbing the contents of your tank including decorations, gravel and plants, place something flat (like a plate) in your aquarium and allow the water to flow onto it. Ensure your water is at room temperature prior to filling the tank. Test for chlorine (also bad for your fish) and be sure to remove any signs of it.

7. Set Up the Equipment. Install the heater - but wait! - do not plug it in yet. The thermostat needs time to adjust to the water temperature. It should be ready to plug in after approximately fifteen to twenty minutes. Set up the filter and whatever other equipment you have. After everything is set up, fill up the aquarium to just under the hood. Place the hood and tank light (if you have one) on the aquarium and make sure any power cords are clear of water. That sounds pretty common sense, but it can be overlooked!

8. Play the Waiting Game. The aquarium has to cycle before adding any fish. This takes about twenty-four hours. If you must put in fish before the aquarium has gone through one nitrogen cycle, choose a hardy species. Otherwise, wait a day, test parameters, and continue on to the next step if ammonia and nitrate levels are at zero.

9. Add Fish! Exactly what you have been waiting for! Only add a couple at a time. Slowly introducing fish gives the filtration system time to get used to the new biological load. When you bring the fish home, allow the container (usually a plastic bag) to float in the tank so the water in the bag can sync up with the parameters in the tank. Set the fish free after five minutes of floating. Do not feed fish on the first day. They probably will not eat anyway. Get them used to their new environment first.

10. Enjoy Your New Aquarium! After all of your careful planning, research, and setup, you can now enjoy the tranquility of a freshwater aquarium in your home. Keep up regular maintenance, love your fish, and enjoy the peacefulness of the aquarium.

There is a good deal of freshwater aquarium information available and obviously the above list is not an all inclusive one. Rather the ten steps are what I consider to be some of the more important ones you must be aware of.