Get To Know These Four Types Of Finches

Finches have been kept as pets for hundreds of years. And because of its popularity among bird lovers, they have been cross-bred many times that you could actually now enjoy different types of finches. An amazing thing about finches is that they are completely sociable and are at home in aviaries and cages. In fact, it is said that there are more finches being domesticated than being set free in the wild. With proper guidance and rearing, your finches can thrive in a man-made ecosystem and can live for several years.

There are about 145 species of these birds around the world. About 16 varieties of finches live and thrive in the United States. Although it is a small percentage compared to the actual number of finch species, it is enough for many pet lovers to enjoy different types of birds in their homes. Among the characteristics common to all finches are their conical bills and colorful, vibrant plumage.
