Golden Retriever Puppies

Golden retriever puppies are no doubt very cute and furry. No wonder any one would fall in love with the puppies. Golden retrievers are always playful and cuddly which are basically the main traits that dog lovers are looking for in a puppy. The life span of a golden retriever is approximately 14 years which means that adopting a golden is a life long commitment and therefore should not be decided impulsively. Goldens is one of the most loved breed in the country which is why golden breeds can be easily found in pet shops anywhere.

But the sad thing is, many are not aware that most of the breeds sold at pet shops came from puppy mills. Consumers may think that if this is the case, then they must have done a good thing because they were able to save the pup. The sad thing is puppy mill owners do not see the condition that way. They are only concerned with the money coming in because of the dogs and it will give them the chance to breed their pair again. Mostly, the dogs at puppy mill which are used for breeding are not of good quality. Mostly, these dogs are over bred, have health problems, and spend their lives in the cage.

Another disadvantage of buying a puppy from a pet store is that the inability for the buyer to see and assess for themselves the parents of the puppy. Examining the traits and health condition of the parents of your future puppy is indeed very important because those will be the genes that they are going to inherit. If the puppy came form a family of calm and friendly breeds, then most probably, that puppy will become a calm and friendly adult in the future. Thus, a puppy from an aggressive breed has a huge possibility to be an aggressive adult retriever. More often than not, private and reputable breeders love their breeds. They also consider themselves as an expert with the breed. Therefore, they are capable of offering their clients tons of resources and advices before and after the puppy have been purchased.

Golden retrievers are generally an intelligent and energetic breed. They are highly trainable by using positive reinforcement and rewards. But mind you, goldens loves to chew so you must give them their own chew toy if you don