Grooming Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are a small breed which has beautiful long, shiny and lustrous coat, especially when properly groomed. Special attention is required weekly or even daily if you have the time. Left for long periods can leave their coat matted, dirty, tangled and dull.

Besides the generally grooming of brushing and combing, bathing your dog regularly is also extremely important from puppy stage. This will become routine for your puppy and will not bother them as they get older. Whether you do this yourself or opt for a professional dog washer or salon where they will take care of the little details required for this breed. Cleaning and brushing of the ears are important remove any excess particles as Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are susceptible to ear problems.

These gorgeous lovable dogs do require more attention than most other breeds, both emotionally and hygienically. Care needs to be taken around the eyes by delicately cleaning and brushing. If ignored their long hair will irritate their sensitive eyes which can cause complication risks. While these dogs don