How To Choose A Cage For Your Sugar Glider

Owning a sugar glider can be a rewarding experience. If you are considering bringing one (or more) into your home you will want a cage for your friend to live in. Here are a few things to keep in mind when deciding on a glider cage. These tips will help provide safety to your sugar glider and peace of mind to yourself.

Pet cages are available in a variety of materials. Cages made from bare wire can irritate a glider's feet so it is best to look for a wire cage that is powder-coated or possible one made of vinyl. Powder-coated wire is easier to clean and more forgiving to your glider's feet. Plexi-glass cages look nice when they are new but scratch easily as sugar gliders like to climb.

Gliders enjoy climbing and jumping and, because of this, you need to consider the height of the cage. Vertical space is more important in sugar glider cages than horizontal space. A good rule of thumb is at least three feet of vertical space for a glider, although it is certainly alright to get a cage taller than three feet.

It is also important to make sure the bars on the cage are no more than 1 inch apart. Bars with