Information You Need To Be Aware Of For Bear Repellent

Something that many people don't think they will ever need is bear repellent, but there may come a time in your life that it is definitely needed. That is why you really need to know some important information about it so you will be able to use it to protect yourself if needed.

The first thing that is necessary to understand is that this repellent is known to have a 90% success rate for preventing injuries. This makes it one of the most effective ways for anyone to protect themselves against a bear attack.

You also need to know exactly what it is. It is basically a spray that is much stronger than any type of pepper spray. Plus, the canisters that hold the spray can shoot up to 15 to 20 feet and will last for around 20 seconds. For deterring a bear from attacking you this makes them very effective.

One vital piece of information you need to know is that using this repellent is not hard to do, but it will take some time for you to learn the instructions on the correct way to use it.

If you fail to follow the instructions, then it can very easily lead to serious injury or worse for someone. That is why it is necessary to be wise about how you use it and educate yourself on using it effectively before trying it.

That will keep you and everyone around you safe from being sprayed. It will also ensure that you are aware of how to use it correctly if it should ever be needed to ward off an attack.

Now, when you take it with you on a hike through the woods to protect you from bears, it is a good idea to pay attention to the way the wind is blowing. This way if it becomes necessary to use it, you will not end up spraying yourself instead of the bear.

Another thing to remember is that the spray may neutralize the bear for a few seconds, but you will still have to find a way to get away from them, if it doesn't scare them away completely. Many times they will be scared away completely, but don't always count on that.

Having bear repellent is definitely a smart idea for anyone that has a chance of encountering a bear. Now that you are aware of this essential information about repellent, you can see why it is preferred for preventing a bear attack and you will also be able to better decide if this is the wise decision for you.