Is It Easy To Train A Puppy To Sleep In A Crate?

Benefits of Crate Training

As mentioned above there are a lot of benefits to crate training puppies. The first is that it gives you the peace of mind that they aren't getting into things they shouldn't – such as your bills, the trash, or your shoes. It also makes it easier to help them become potty trained because they will be used to a set schedule. Crate training also cuts down on the anxiety they may experience when you need to leave to go somewhere.

Basic Method for Crate Training

So once you have the proper crate purchased, it's time to put it to use. The most important thing is to make the crate seem like a reward, not a bad thing. Put treats, toys, comfortable blankets and pillows, etc inside to get them interested in being in there. Change the nature of the treats and the toys so that their attention will always be on the crate. Also, it is a good idea to practice putting them in the crate when you are home so they won't associate it with the anxiety of you being gone.

Crate training puppies is one of those things that can be beneficial to both you and your dog over the long run. People will often put their puppies in a crate when they go to work or go out to run errands. Puppies sometimes can't be left at home by themselves otherwise they'll get into things such as the trash or start chewing on your shoes. Anyone who has left a puppy knows all to well how possible this is! Keep in mind, however, that some dogs should not be put into crates. When in doubt, ask your veterinarian.

Purchasing a Suitable Crate

When crate training puppies it is very important to find a crate that is large enough for your dog. You want them to have adequate room so that they can be comfortable while you are gone. If they don't have enough room, crate training can actually cause anxiety. This means that your attempts to help fix the dog's anxiety will be for nothing because the small crate will cause stress on its own. If you need help figuring out the size, consult with your vet or other animal expert to see what they recommend.

Basic Method for Crate Training

So once you have the proper crate purchased, it's time to put it to use. The most important thing is to make the crate seem like a reward, not a bad thing. Put treats, toys, comfortable blankets and pillows, etc inside to get them interested in being in there. Change the nature of the treats and the toys so that their attention will always be on the crate. Also, it is a good idea to practice putting them in the crate when you are home so they won't associate it with the anxiety of you being gone.

As you can see, crate training puppies can be pretty straightforward. If you are having trouble you may want to enlist help and find a trainer to guide you through the process