Is Obedience Training For Your Rottweiler Neccessary?
For a lot of people, the first and most important thing they will do with a new puppy is put them in dog obedience training. That training will show them how to behave in common situations that they will most certainly encounter at some stage in their life. However, some owners either cannot afford obedience training or choose they would rather do it themselves at home. So, here is a concise rundown of what you can attain from that training to facilitate you and determine if your dog would benefit from it.
The Benefits of Dog Obedience Training For Your Rottweiler.
To begin with, dogs in obedience training quickly learn how to react to specific, well delivered commands. That also means you will discover how to give those commands firmly and correctly. So many people misunderstand their end of the bargain in dog ownership. They truly believe that the onus lies with their dog, not themselves. Think of dog training as a two way thing and it will be extremely more effective are both you and your pet. Here are some critical examples.
Leadership - In obedience training, you will be trained how to assert your authority over your rottweiler to show him that you are in charge at all times and that they must obey you. If these behaviours are repeated consistantly in your home, the dog will have a much easier time following your lead. Alpha leadership is the foundation of all good training as your dog doesn't want to be the leader but must know who is. Once this is achieved he will be totally happy and trust you completely.
Important Basic Commands - Dog obedience training will provide you with basic commands like sit, stay, heel, speak, and quiet - basics that will make your dog more respondent when it really matters. These five behaviours will form the groundwork of everything you need to teach them including more complex tricks later.
No Biting or Barking - Two of the biggest concerns that your rottweiler can have are biting and barking. Different levels of dog obedience training can dispense with these specific behaviours and ensure that your dog does not behave out of line. Biting in particular should be dealt with at a young age, you don't want a dangerous dog on your hands particularly a large powerful breed like a rottweiler.
Walking - Absolutely fed up of having your dog yanking you down the street? In a good training class, you'll be taught how to control your dog's movements, keep them from running around on you and ideally educate them to sit and heel when required at corners and when other dogs and complete strangers walk by.
Dog obedience training is crucial in many ways because it provides the foundation for all the issues that might crop up at home. If your dog is under a year old or simply does not behave appropriately, consider a class to help you get started.
Make Sure You Continue Training at Home
Of course, dog obedience training is only the beginning. Your dog may learn several basic tricks in the class, but if you cannot carry forward what you've learned back at home, good luck maintaining that control and obedience. You should be ordered, show your dog that you're the boss at all times and make sure everyone in the household can also follow along with whatever you've taught your dog in training.
Remember that your rottweiler will only do what he is shown to do. You must be uniform, reassuring and strong at maintaining the commands you give. The second you start waffling or forgetting to confirm your commands, your dog will start to regress to the original behaviours that you worked so hard to train them out of.