Pat Parelli Horse Training Guidelines

The Pat Parelli horse training method is a form of natural horsemanship which was developed by Pat Parelli. It was inspired by the theory that a horse opposes the acts that its owner wants it to perform; primarily, because horses are preys and people are predators. It also centers on the philosophy that a horse desires to always remain comfortable. In addition, the main objective of this method is to allow horses to see that people are actually trustworthy. And when using this method to train horses, there are several things that a horse owner needs to bear in mind.

First, the training must always begin with warm-up exercises. Similar to people, a horse needs time to relax its muscles and prepare for a more extensive workout. Lunging is good for warming up, since it involves various gaits. Then, the actual training must start with exercises that are familiar to the horse. This will be helpful in building the horse