Six Pointers To Block German Shepherd Puppy Chewing Issues Today!

German shepherd puppies are affectionate breeds yet their German shepherd chewing habit is something that can be very annoying and even destructive. If this happens, you will find your shoes or cushions being chewed up and you end up buying new ones. However, thinking of ways to ward off this behavior, be aware that this may occur naturally as a part of development.

German shepherd puppy chewing can be either good or bad. It can occur due to boredom and teething which is a natural part of growth. Just like the human babies, German shepherd puppies use this action to explore things and to understand their surroundings. Out of curiosity, whatever things they find they tend to place inside their mouth, unaware of what can be dangerous, like electrical chords.

To prevent German shepherd puppy chewing from putting your best friend's life in danger, here are six pointers to remember.

Pointer one: Redirecting the German shepherd puppy chewing behavior rather than putting an end to it can be very effective. If you once decide to bring a German shepherd puppy in your house, you may purchase along an interesting chew toy so that at the onset of this behavior, the possibility of getting worse can be omitted.

Other German shepherd puppy gadgets could also help replace the act so that when you catch your German shepherd chew over your slippers, for instance, he will get the idea of German shepherd chewing the other toy instead. In the long run, this German shepherd chewing habit will only be a thing of the past.

Pointer two: As much as possible, be consistent with your rules. If you capture your German shepherd puppy chewing your expensive bag, do not expect for him to understand that the action is wrong. In this case, your German shepherd puppy needs a leader.

Once you discover your German shepherd puppy chewing on inappropriate things, immediately remove it from him and say "No" to him sternly. Avoid chasing him so that it will not give him an idea that this is fun and a form of play.

Pointer three: Appropriate German shepherd crate training is another effective way to ward off bad German shepherd puppy habit. This method is especially useful when no one is home. This can save you from the possibility of after arriving home work.

Crate training provides your German shepherd dog limited access of your home. Put your German shepherd puppy inside a room in his crate which is comfortable to him if you are going out of the house. You may also include leaving him his favorite chew toys and foods so that he will have something to do other than destroying your personal belongings.

Pointer four: It is essential for German shepherd owners to be familiar with the qualities of their pets. German shepherd dogs are very active and needs something to stimulate their mind and body. That is why to quit them from German shepherd chewing, you must also provide activities to prevent them from getting easily bored.

How can you do this? Simple, by offering him exercise activities. Although they are not teething, German shepherd puppies still nibble to keep themselves busy. You can play fetching or any ball games with him, or perhaps, take him to a nice walk outside the house.

Pointer five: You can make use of aversion oral sprays such as Cayenne Pepper and Bitter Apple to discourage your German shepherd puppy from chewing on items. This method is safe and helps to avoid the destructive behavior.

Once you spray this on the object your German shepherd puppy is nibbling, it will produce an unpleasant taste which he does not like. In effect, he will associate the object with an awful taste, so he would avoid German shepherd puppy chewing it.

Pointer six: Avoid any form of punishment. Never hit your German shepherd puppy once you catch him German shepherd chewing on appropriate items or else German shepherd aggression problems may develop such as German shepherd biting.

Aside from that, this is also a form of animal abuse which can be punishable by law.

If you still encounter German shepherd puppy chewing issues despite following the above pointers, it would be best to take trips to a veterinarian to address your concerns.