Top 3 Fish Suitable For Your Tropical Fish Tanks

When you start with a new tropical fish tank, you might have difficulty in choosing the kind of fish you should have. Here in this article, you will find descriptions of three fish Rosy Barb, Striped Hatchet Fish and Swordtail. These fish are most suitable for tropical fish tanks.

Rosy Barb

This fish has a slightly misleading name. This fish is rosy in color only during the mating season. The fish is olive green and silver the other times of the year. It has big scales on its surface too. The males and he females are easily distinguished from each other because females have yellow fins while male have red ones. Also, the males grow larger in size. Condition the fish before mating by feeding them with exclusive live feed. The female should be isolated before the males and put into a separate tank if you are not using a breeding trap. Their fry do not need very special food.

Striped Hatchet Fish

This fish is visible clearly only when the light in the aquarium is sufficient. Hatchet