Top Five Tips On Boxer Puppy Training That Are Fun And Interesting

Known to have originated in Germany, Boxers are among the strongest yet affectionate in the canine family. This breed is large in size and can be utilized in police operations. However, despite being tough, they are friendly and protective, especially when with proper Boxer puppy training.

Before deciding on owning this type of dog, you must be aware of the basics in Boxer puppy training. Here are five tips to make your pup training fun and interesting.

Five Tips On Boxer Puppy Training:

Tip one: Boxers are clever and can be easily trained. Ideally, Boxer puppy training is not started before the pup turns 21 days old. During this period, they may not have sufficient capacity to do much things yet.

As soon as they are on their 3rd week, Boxer crate training assists them to learn to do their business with proper guidance. During this time, potty training may be integrated with Boxer training. These pups tend to look for an elimination spot other than their own quarters as they mature.

You may also begin Boxer leash training your puppy as soon as possible to prevent Boxer aggression problems such as Boxer biting and Boxer barking loudly on strangers.

Tip two: Be the master to your dog. The earlier you do Boxer puppy training, the more likely that your pet will follow commands. Be consistent in giving instructions and have control over him the whole time to let him recognize you as his leader.

Boxers are headstrong and willful which makes training Boxer dogs interesting. You must be the one to identify what food to eat, his pooping area, and sleeping spot. Consistency must be maintained at all times.

Say for instance, if you want to call your dog, just say "come" and repeat the command as it is. Avoid any addends like "come here". This technique will facilitate a more efficient Boxer obedience training and avoids confusion.

Tip three: Instruct your puppy basic tricks as soon as possible. This is probably the most entertaining part of the entire Boxer puppy training. Some basic tricks include sit, stand, roll, kneel, shake hands, etc. The earlier you teach them these things, the better.

Boxers are brainy and their willingness to learn will assist them to grasp the lesson like a sponge. You may find taking your pup to a Boxer obedience training school as a good option. It is a perfect venue for him to get in contact with his fellow canines and to gain knowledge.

However, there may be times that he might not pick up the lessons easily in which case, patience is required. Do not force him to do everything in one snap of a finger.

Tip four: Offer reward when necessary. Boxers, like any dog breeds, appreciate positive reinforcement. This will help motivate them to become well-rounded dogs during the entire course of Boxer puppy training.

If your dog has been complying to your commands, then take him to an enjoyable walk under the sun. You may also praise him for his good deeds and surprise him with a tasty treat. On the other hand, if he acts in a negative manner, correct him firmly.

Your Boxer may Boxer bite you, chase you or might display other forms of aggression when being punished. This, I tell you, will get you into BIG trouble.

Tip five: Just like human beings, puppies are delicate and sensitive. Therefore, taking for granted your dog's health is a No-no! Take him to a veterinarian every once in a while to address Boxer health problems. Boxer puppy training should make a strong and disease-free dog.

Disorders such as hip dysplasia and hyperthyroidism may occur in Boxers and affect their quality of life. Self-treating them will only put them in great danger.

By observing the above-mentioned tips, there is a bigger chance for you to create a smooth-flowing Boxer puppy training in a most enjoyable way.