Training Your Dog To The Leash

Dog training should be started in the earliest months of a dog's life. Puppies are more easily trained than adult dogs. Leash training is the first basic skill puppies learn.

First, train your dog to wear the right sized collar. Make sure it is not too large or too small and that it fits properly around his neck.

When fitting your dog's collar, ensure there is a space of a thumb between the dog's neck and the collar. On the puppy's first day of wearing the collar, he or she will find it bothersome and likely try to remove it.

After numerous attempts to remove the collar the puppy will give up. After a few day it will get used to wearing it. Please have patience during this transition.

Choose a leash to hook on the collar to safely walk your puppy. The leash should be a long rope which helps you maintain control over your puppy.

Immediately begin training your dog to walk on a leash. It will attempt to run away at first when you let the puppy outside.

Help your dog learn how far it can go on the leash. This length should be long enough that the puppy is free to move about and walk comfortably.

Ignore poor behavior from your puppy and don't allow it to pull you. When they pull, stop walking until the behavior ceases.

When you stop walking, make your puppy come near you before you start walking again. If the puppy pulls again, repeat the process.

Your behavior will frustrate the puppy and it will stop pulling. Soon, the puppy will see that it cannot walk far when connected to the leash.

Repetition will help the puppy learn this. Practice with your puppy on a leash at least five minutes at a time.

Adult dogs are trained with the same method as puppies. However, they can be more difficult to train and so it is best to start practicing with your dog as soon as your bring it home.