What Is Hermit Crab Molting?

A molting hermit crab undergoes a lot of stress. This is for this very reason that hermit crab owners should have the most accurate information about this process. During this time, the hermit crab requires extra care.

Molting is a process of development in hermit crabs. During this process, the exoskeleton of the crab is shed off. When this happens, the crab is unable to move until it gets back its muscle control and a new set of exoskeleton solidifies. At this event, the molting hermit crab will start to feed on the discarded exoskeleton in order to capture the stored calcium and other minerals that are needed for the new exoskeleton to be healthy and rigid. Due to the vulnerability of the crabs during this time, they typically bury themselves underground for protection, darkness and insulation that are needed to allow the molting hormone to be produced. When the needed hormone is produced, the shedding process or ecdysis is signaled to take place.

When a hermit crab is about to undergo a molting process, there are some signs that you can watch for. These common signs and symptoms are as follows: