Who Else Wants To Know How To Stop Dogs Barking?

Are you frustrated with your dog because he is continually barking for no apparent reason and upsetting the neighbours? Discover the main reasons why dogs bark and to resolve the problem that many dog owners fail to learn.

If you have a problem with your dog because he is barking continually then believe me you are not alone, many dog owners are under the illusion that this situation cannot be resolved but nothing could be further from the truth.

When a dog barks there are lots of reasons to why, they do it quite naturally they are sending you a message of some kind it's the only way verbally they can communicate with you.

Let's consider the reasons why dogs bark, this may sound a little strange if you are not an experienced dog owner, all dog barks have a different tone or sound when they bark, if you listen very carefully just like humans have different voice levels, for example; if we are calm then our voice sounds totally different to when we are shouting or annoyed, and in many cases with regard to barking dogs this can be similar.

By observing these tones will give you an indication to whether it is a friendly bark or an aggressive bark, don't take my word for it next time you are out and about listen to the different dog bark tones.

Many dog owners these days invite a dog into their home as a house dog to detect intruders and we as dog owners welcome that, however it's when the dog continually barks for no apparent reason or so we think, at this point we have to put our detective head on and discover the reasons why.

Expert opinion from top dog trainers believe the number one reason dogs bark is lack of attention, it stands to reason there is some sense to this, when a dog barks for no reason the owners reaction is to yell at the dog, in which case the dog has achieved what he wanted, and gained the owners attention so what happens next he thinks great that's all I need to do to get attention.

The number two reason top is lack of exercise, when we first get our dogs we are very enthusiastic to walk them, however with many dog owners the novelty soon wears off and the result the dog feels deprived.

It's obvious when the weather is not suitable for taking the dog for a walk we all have a tendency to sweep this task under the carpet, but the dog does not feel this way and often oblivious to the weather conditions out side and will soon let you know by barking he or she is not happy with this.

The third reason is if he is inside and needs to relieve himself, its okay when we want to do this we go the bathroom and don't really think about it, however the dog has to rely on you to let him out into the garden or take him to the local park so again the only way he knows how is to bark.

Conversely a further explanation is questionably the most frustrating dog barking problem is if the dog barks all the time, even when he is scolded put into the garden and carries on, this can be annoying for the people who live around you.

If the family next door or over the road work nights which is quite normal these days, they have to sleep in the daytime and a dog barking can be very annoying and not fair to these people and is your responsibility to resolve this problem.

The outcome as many repercussions for a start many people respond by yelling at the dog, which only makes the situation worse, often they file a complaint about the barking dog in which case you could be looking at a fine for disturbing the peace, and the worst thing is you fall out with your neighbours and that's the last thing you want to happen.

There is no easy answer to this problem but yelling simply does not work, dogs very rarely continually bark for no reason they are troubled in some way or another so its up to you to build a relationship with your dog and find out the reason why.

A good friend of mine years ago shared a technique he used with his barking dog which when he first told me this I thought it was a joke, however when he shared the results that encouraged me to take it seriously.

Instead of yelling at your dog try the reverse and lower your voice and speak so that the dog has to pay attention to hear you, he explained this simply did not work on the first occasion mainly because the dog did not expect this to happen but on a consistent basis this was very effective and certainly solved his dog barking problems.