Why Does Your Dog Bite?

Your dog likes to bite and you do not know what to do about it! Rest assured dog biting can be changed and hopefully before your dog bites someone! So if you want to cure your dog from biting you will have to learn what is causing this behavior that makes your dog bite. Sometimes the dogs bite out of fear, sometimes they have aggression, and sometimes they just play bite.

The biting out of fear can be because they are quite frankly scared. To help with this fear problem they will have to be like yourself when you have a fear. You have to confront your fear and take it on. However, with a dog they cannot do this and they will want to bite. You will have to be wary of this behavior and find out what they are afraid of. This will help you figure out how to avoid this fear or help your dog cope with his fear so he will hopefully not bite.

If your dog has aggressive behavior and that is why they bite then you will need to consult with a dog trainer. A dog trainer will be able to help you address the aggression issue that your dog is exhibiting leading to the biting. Another way to deal with your dog's aggression behavior would be to ask your vet about various options that are available to help you. Sometimes your vet might find out that your dog has some type of illness that could be causing the aggression and leading to the biting. Other times your vet could give you an idea on a type of training that you could have done that will lead to an end of the aggression.

The play bite is another one that your dog will probably do quite frequently. The play bite is mainly encountered while your dog will be playing with you. However, the play bite can still hurt none the less! To help alleviate the pain of the play bite you can either wear extra layers of clothing to stop the bite from going thru or try to stop them from biting all together. Stopping a puppy from play biting though is very hard to do. If you want to try to stop your puppy from biting though you can purchase some toys that will help keep him from getting as close to you.

Stopping your dog from biting can be difficult but accomplished. You have to first find the root cause of the biting problem, then once you discovered the problem figure out what step to take next. So be sure to find the problem before trying to address the issue.