5 Common Risks Associated With The Traditional Round Trampoline

If you've been thinking about buying a round trampoline for your home as a way to give your kids some great exercise while they are hanging around the house, there are some dangers that you need to educate yourself about so you can make the right purchase. What most parents don't realize is that more than one hundred thousand children find themselves in the hospital because of trampolines on an annual basis. While I'm not trying to frighten you out of buying something that is so great for your child's health, there are some important things to understand.

So let's go over five of the most common causes of injuries to keep in mind when looking at different designs and setting the right rules for your children.

1. Children Colliding

Perhaps the biggest factor in children getting injured on a trampoline is smacking into another jumper, causing head or limb injuries. The ironic factor is that this can be so easily avoided.

Not matter what the size of your trampoline, make it a rule that only one child (or adult) is allowed on at a time, and it becomes impossible for this to happen. Bigger trampolines are not meant to hold more people