5 Things You Need to Survive in the Smoky Mountain Wilderness

Before heading off on the trails of the Great Smoky Mountains, be sure you have all you need. In addition to a hiking buddy and people at home who know where you are and what your plans are, you need to carefully pack for the trip. While there are lots of things that it is very important to remember, these are the five items that you cannot hike without, regardless of your hiking experience. Load them up, and go safely!

1. Proper hiking boots

Without hiking boots well suited to your feet and hiking style, you risk ruining your entire trip. If you are doing just short, day hikes without a backpack, lighter weight shoes are acceptable. These are typically made from fabric and split-grain leather, breathe well and offer the least amount of support of all the hiking boots available. If you are planning on hiking with a backpack for a couple days or less, consider stiffer, mid-weight boots. These are the most versatile, and can definitely make a shorter hike easier than the lightweight boots. If you are planning to hike with a heavy pack or for a long period of time, get the heavyweight boot with the most support. Keep waterproofing and insulation in mind no matter what kind of boot you are considering.

2. Water

While rather obvious, there is nothing more important for your health on a hiking trip than water. No matter what kind of hike you are planning, your body needs water the entire time. Staying hydrated will ensure that you stay comfortable and healthy, and (with food) you will be able to complete your planned route. Think carefully about how much water you need to bring with you as it relates to your body, the terrain and the length of your hike. It is advisable to consult a doctor or outdoor expert on this.

3. First Aid Kit

No matter what anyone says, do not go on a hike without one of these. You need to at least have bandages, aspirin, antiseptic, an antihistamine, sunblock, insect repellent, gauze, iodine tablets, and duct tape. Consult with a wilderness expert or doctor before your trip to make sure you have everything you need and are prepared to handle any number of crises.

4. Rain gear/jacket

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