Archery is considered the practice of arrows being propelled at a target, through the air by stored energy using bow and string. Archery was used for hunting and war times in previous years, and is now used for hunting, competition, sport and hobby. Those who practice this hobby are called archers or bowman. Those who have reached professional levels are called toxophilites.
Stone arrowheads and other artifacts, found in Africa were dated back to around 50,000 B C. Many believe this to be the invention/discovery of hunting with a bow.
Competition archery or bow hunting used to use English styled long bows that are now seen today. One of the top bow hunting clubs is called the Pope and Young Club, and was founded in 1961 to teach skills and techniques for bow hunting. This club encourages responsible bow hunting for hunting and hobby. During this time, many engineers were interested in the hobby and began creating the recurve and compound bows commonly used today. Traditional bows are a minority today, as the recurved and compound bows are easier to use and have longer ranges. Many different books are available on archery from game archers to American bow hunting tips.
There are a few different types of bows including directly drawn bows that relates directly to laminated bows, composite bows and self bows. The bow shapes are how they are classified when the limbs are unstrung. The classic long bow is a tall but narrow limbed bow that has a "D" shape in the cross section. Flat bows look much the same, except the cross section is rectangular. Cable backed bows have cords that run through the back of the bow so the drawing weight can be adjusted by using the tension on the cables. Compound bows are made to reduce the amount of force that is required to hold your string at full draw, so you have more time to aim at your target. Some of these designs offer elliptical wheels on the ends to help control this bow. Since this is the most widely used bow, there are many name brands and variations on wheels to be found.
This hobby allows for a very time consuming but relaxing time, and is considered a great way to commune with nature while hunting. For more information on requirements in your state for hunting, contact your local game commission or the Department of Natural Resources.