Best Kayaking Places

Best Kayaking Places

 by: Peter Lenkefi

As with any fisherman, no kayak fisherman is going to divulge their sweetest honey pots to just anyone but there are plenty of resources to find the best places to start. Once you’ve found a nice starter it won’t be long before you know of the best kayaking places around. Probably the best place to start is right here on the Internet. Just use keywords like ‘kayaking spots’ and you’ll soon find a vast array of sites that offer you hints and tips to the best kayaking places in or around your area.

Will joining a club find me the best kayaking places?

There are already a great number of kayaking clubs up and running all around the world and by joining one of these clubs you will privy to some very valuable information that will help you find the best kayaking places, whether you want to fish or simply paddle. Join a club, register with Internet forums and get networking. Not only will club members have information on where to go but will undoubtedly be able to regale you with tales of their own exploits and a few hints and tips along the way for good measure.

Once I’ve found the best kayaking places, should I share this information?

Whether you tell people that you’ve found one of the best kayaking places is entirely your own choice. If you’ve found a fishing spot that has yielded you with record winning fish my advice would be to guard it with your life. Many wouldn’t even tell their wives and children if they found the best kayaking places and possibly with good reason. If you find one of the best kayaking places and then tell everyone where it is you may find yourself fighting for a spot.

Are you going to give us a clue where to find the best kayaking places?

There are plenty of clues I can give you and many of them will mean travelling some way; turning your next kayaking expedition into a holiday. The Alps offer some of the most fantastic white water kayaking spots you could imagine and the scenery and local towns are magnificent too. You should consider looking anywhere where there are large bodies of water and few tourists. You don’t want to be bumping into swimmers as you set off on your next kayaking expedition.