Beyond Breathing...Managing Your State Of Mind On The Golf Course

Beyond Breathing.......Managing Your State of Mind on the Golf Course.

I'm sure every golfer recognizes the importance of managing their state of mind on the golf course. The aim of this article is to provide you with a variety of techniques to manage your state on the course. This article goes beyond solely using breathing exercises for better golf and highlights that improving your respiration (breathing) is just one of many ways to manage your state on the golf course!

To begin, it's helpful for you to become aware of what your intention is for playing golf. This is important as your intention drives your behaviour. Sometimes increased focus and flow can result from simply reminding yourself of your intention for playing. Intention for behaviour operates at a much deeper and higher logical level than behaviour, which means when you're clear about your intention to play golf, your behaviour will automatically become more focused. Using the analogy of shopping for food for example: Have you ever noticed the difference between going into a supermarket with a prepared list of items (your intention for shopping), as compared to walking vaguely through the supermarket not sure about what groceries you want? Of course, I