Camping For Fun Begins With The Right Supplies

Camping For Fun Begins With The Right Supplies

 by: Ranger Bob

Camping for Fun begins with making sure you've taken along all the right supplies. Use this checklist to be sure!

Camp cooking

Hot dog stick you may not cut any thing down to make them

Folding chairs

Plastic table cloth

Lighter and matches in a water proof container

Screened tent room for over the picnic table (optional)


Bungi cords

Plastic clamps

Bug spray




Cloth pins

Duct tape

Flash light with extra batteries


Fishing gear if going fishing


lantern and extra fuel and mantles

Camp shower and rope at least 50 ft


Sun block

Pen and paper


Knife and axe

First aide Kit

Shelter and sleeping essentials.


Screened tent (optional)

Sleeping bags

2 plastic tarps or ground sheets.

Pillows for all

Air mattresses or sleeping pads for all

Cooler box Dry no ice

Salt and pepper

Herbs and spices

Cooking oil

Pot holders

Paper towels

Trash bags

aluminum foil

Plastic silver ware (I prefer to buy a set of metal flat wear at the dollar store)

Plastic bowls plate etc.

Cups to drink from and plastic glasses

Dish soap

Zip lock bags

Can opener If you forget this you can use a sturdy knife to open cans.

Cooking Essentials



Cooler one with wheels is nice



Camp stove and fuel

Mess kit

Charcoal and barbecue portable one.

Rope 50 ft for a clothes line

Cloths I will leave for you to decide but be sure every one has a warm sweater of coat as the evenings in the mountains or on the prairies can get cool. Be sure every one has a hat to protect them from the sun.

Cleaning items

Detergent of dishes

1 Plastic bucket

Dish cloth


You will need to remember to bring personal hygiene stuff for everyone even T.P. as soon places run short on busy weekends. Any medication that is needed as well as aspirin make sure you have a good first aide kit. This is but a short list of things you will need but you get the picture. You will find more stuff that is needed after your first trip. Be sure to bring marshmallows a bag or two depending on how long you will be going for.

The public and private camp ground are the most popular. The public campgrounds are run by a government agency this will include all in the national parks and the state parks or provincial parks Most will require you to make reservations on line in advance.How ever there are still the one that work on the first come first served So do some research and find the campsite for you and you family.

The public owned and private owned camping grounds are on the inter net and can also be found at any tourist bureau in the areas you are looking to go camping in. Most government run parks are funded by the governments of the state or the province and will be the first to fill up on the summer holidays.The private parks will fill up very fast as well so you may have to plan your trip well in advance of the time you will leave in. With more people out and about in the summer time planning will allow you to find a site for you and your family.

I find that the kids with there skills on the computer can find all the camping site for you pretty fast So start a new adventure go camping