David Glazen Shows You How To Make Big Money At Online Poker

David Glazen Shows You How To Make Big Money At Online Poker

 by: David Cohen

David Glazen knows what it feels like to loose big playing online poker. The tech guru and poker pro moved his game online over a year ago and took a big hit. He was not the first to discover that the poker skills that can make one a winner in a live game do not necessarily transfer to the online environment. He admits to loosing over $10,000 of his money playing online when he first started out.

Rather then give up on online poker David used his tech skills to come up with a brilliant poker bot. The concept was simple enough – a computer program that could play online poker. One that could beat human opponents consistently however took some work. As he explains at this web site he called on some of his University friends to help him out and was eventually able to produce a money making poker bot. He is now offering for download all the information required for anyone to produce their very own PokerBots. While he will only release the information to a limited number of people those who have downloaded the information are already making big money at the online sites.

He is so confident with the performance of the PokerBot he actually guarantees it will make money for its users. He also gives a brief technical overview and explains how even those with no technical experience can build PokerBots using what he calls “The Decision Engine” and “Input Generator” which he includes in the download. His knowledge and expertise in the online poker domain is indeed impressive as well as his willingness to make this information available to the public.

Anyone who is interested in making money at online poker should definitely check him out at http://www.pokerbot-pro.com