Explode Your Leaping Ability With Subconscious Mind Power
If you'd like to increase your vertical leap by up to fifty percent, in as little as a couple weeks, you've come to the right place. By the time you finish reading this article, you will know how to apply your subconscious mind power to dramatically increasing how high you can jump. This, of course, will translate into increased physical prowess in almost any sport.
First of all, don't be put off by the idea of your subconscious mind. Many people associate this with mysticism and new age kinds of things, but that is far from the truth. Your subconscious mind is none other than the powerful computer between your ears, that keeps most of its operation outside of your conscious awareness. It keeps your heart beating, your lungs breathing, and your hair growing.
You can easily task your subconscious to make any plan or goal come true. Increasing your sports performance is one of the easiest and quickest things to do with the application of subconscious mind power. When programmed correctly, you subconscious mind will alter all other areas of your life, including sleep, diet, and desire to exercise, to make your goal come true.
Studies have shown this to be true. A study done with university students showed that there wasn't much difference between real practice and imagined practice when it came to improving free throw percentages.
How do you do this? Simple. First get an idea of how high you'd like to jump. Make it a stretch, but not too much so it will be difficult to believe. For example, if you can only jump eight inches or so, make your goal to jump 12, which would be a fifty percent increase. Get a very clear and concise idea of how it would look to watch your self jump so high off the ground. Mark this height against a wall, and prepare a visualization where you can really see yourself jumping this high. Develop the visualization from several angles.
Now you've got your miniature movie to play, you'll need to come up with some statements to go with it. Simple statements that describe your ability to jump that high. If you can, make believe a respected coach or role model is telling you how high you can jump. Even if you've never met the person, as long as you have an idea of what their voice sounds like, this will work.
When you combine your picture, or miniature movie, with a respected role model's voice, this will be very powerful. When you are just on the verge of sleep, when your conscious and subconscious are in ideal communication, repeat your statements (or listen to your mentor repeat them) and watch your movie, over and over again. With enough consistency, you'll be jumping higher than ever sooner than you think.