Fixing a Golf Slice

There are several swing flaws that can cause your shot to bend off line like a banana. The slice is the biggest problem facing the average golfer and the cause usually goes back to a poor golf grip or set up.

The golf grip is the first thing to look at when trying to fix a slice. A weak grip will open up the club at impact and that will impart the wicked spin that will slice your shot off line. To set a stronger grip you should be able to see two knuckles on your top hand. For lefthanders this means rotating your left hand clockwise on the grip until it gets into the stronger position. A stronger grip will help you get the club face closed at ball impact which will result in a straight shot or a draw.

If you are still slicing the ball (bending shots to the left for lefthanders) then you must also analyze your golf swing. The slice can result from cutting across the ball caused by an outside in golf swing. When you take back the club outside of the target line, to hit the ball you have to move back in on the downswing which opens up the body for the sliced shot. To correct this, practice slowly taking the club straight back and then letting it turn around your body as you rotate your hips or shoulders. Instructors will encourage people who have this problem to practice their swings alongside a wall, to get into the proper swing plane you have to avoid hitting the wall.

Another quick fix you can try to correct your slice is to simply close the face of the club as you address the ball. Turn the club so that the front corner is facing the ball (lefties should point the front tip of the clubface toward one o clock.) Closing the face makes sure that you will get the club square at ball impact imparting topspin that will help the shot carry longer instead of slicing off line. If you are still having trouble hitting a draw you might consider a driver that is set up to encourage a shot that moves from left to right for the lefthanders.

For more information, go to, where you will find an ebook covering all the most frequently asked questions by beginner golfers. As well as great deals on equipment and accessories. Video instructional lessons and DVD's from a master like Jack Nicklaus and David Leadbetter who will show you a simple correct and proper way of developing a correct and powerful golf swing. There are more written articles on all the aspects of the game. We cover subjects such as How to drive the ball? How to play a shot on an uphill or downhill lie? How to play long bunker shots and greenside bunker shots? The important issue of course management and how to practice with purpose? Each week a new article is written to cover these and other topics that l hope will be of interest to all golfers especially those who are just starting on their new adventure.

Good Golfing

Golf for Left