Golf Exercises Don’t Have To Be Grueling

Golf Exercises Don’t Have To Be Grueling

 by: Mike Pedersen

Golf exercises are viewed by the majority of golfers as “work”. That is why it is so difficult to convince golfers that golf exercises can be fun and don’t have to wipe you out physically.

I’ve worked with many golfers in person and with my online golf performance sites, who were shocked to realize how much fun and motivating golf exercises can be.

Don’t picture going into a sweaty, smelly gym and lifting god-awful weights. No…picture doing golf exercises that mimic your golf swing and have a direct impact on your power, accuracy and consistency.

This new outlook will be a huge motivating factor in the success of your golf exercise program. When you envision the end result, it makes it all worthwhile.

It’s also a double benefit!

Doing golf exercises that closely mimic your golf swing, will not only improve the strength and flexibility of your golf swing quickly, but reinforce your swing technique off the course. This double benefit will transform your game.

Get ready for powerful drives, accurate approach shots, and scores that will plummet.

Golf exercises can be done with very affordable and portable equipment saving you time, money and convenience. The thought of going to a gym; or having to join a gym to get started will keep you from starting indefinitely.

Your golf exercises can be done in your home, office or even a hotel room with exercise tubing, a pair of handweights, and maybe a stability ball if you want to get a little more creative.

They are not golf exercises if they are on a machine (especially seated ones). How can a seated machine help your golf swing, when your golf swing is done on your feet, in a very dynamic position require timing, sequence of motion, and stability to name a few?

So next time your golfing buddy says he’s doing golf exercises, ask him (her) what they’re doing specifically. If he/she says they go to the gym and use the machines, you won’t have to say anymore.

Fueled with the above, affordable equipment you are ready to embark on your golf exercises.