Handcrafted Cigar Box Purses

A cigar box purse is not just a purse; it is a piece of art. A real conversation piece, a cigar box purse has a charm and beauty all its own! Made from authentic cigar boxes, these purses can even feature photos and collages of your family and pets. Many even pay homage to a bygone era with vintage images of advertisements, ladies, dancers and animals.

Most cigar box purses still display the wood burned logos on the sides to serve as a reminder of the roots of your beautiful purse. They can also be lined with luxurious fabrics. You can find them with tassels, beads and all sorts of embellishments. The handles are also numerous in design: beads, bamboo, brass and so much more.

These purses are as diverse as the artists that create them!

If you would like more information about cigar box purses (http://cigar-box-purses.crazyaboutscrapbooks.com/), be sure to check out the cigar box purse collection at Crazy About Scrapbooks (http://www.crazyaboutscrapbooks.com).

About the Author

Owner of Crazy About Scrapbooks (http://www.crazyaboutscrapbooks.com) where you can find scrapbooking supplies, cigar box purses and helpful tips and articles.